The Military Engineer Services (MES) is the premier construction agency and one of the pillars of Corps of Engineers of the Indian Army which provides rear line engineering support to the Armed Forces. It is one of largest construction and maintenance agencies in India with a total annual budget to the tune of approx Rs 13000 crores. It is responsible for creating the strategic and the operational infrastructure other than major roads, as also the administrative habitat for all three Services and the associated organizations of the Ministry of Defense. It has Pan India footprint to provide engineering support to various formations of Army, Air Force, Navy and DRDO. For this, the MES has over six hundred stations spread across the main land and the island territories of India. MES is a military organization but has both Army and Civilian component of officers and other subordinate staff.
Garrison Engineer Army War College (AWC) is under Commander Works Engineer, Mhow which is an arm of Chief Engineer Jabalpur.
Garrison Engineer AWC Mhow is responsible for manage military area in Army War College. One of the key function fs MES is to provide electricity and water to military township and offices and manage electricity and water revenue.
This web application is to raise prepaid electricity bills for the occupants and consumers of Army War College.